Thursday 21 July 2011

Final 3 Words (Adjective, Noun, Verb)

So turns out that my interpretation of "(a,n,v)" was wrong. which is good because i can choose more appropriate words.

Fluid (Adjective), Spiral (Noun), Scribble (Verb)

3 Words (a,n,v)

Fluidly (Adverb), Scribbler's (Possesive Noun), Move (Verb)

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Final Solid Works Form

In the end my main precedent images were the fire and jelly fish. They both relate to each other through their curvy/spiral lines. These precedents inspired my three words, fluidly (adverb), scribbler’s (possessive noun), move (verb). Using the helix tool and reflecting it I created this starting point for 3D max.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Initial Sketch Designs

These sketches are rough but are quick sketches based on my precedents. They all contain fluid, curvey lines and i hope are all reasonably easy to create on SolidWorks.

Thursday 14 July 2011

SolidWorks Tutorials

Before creating my final deisgn in SolidWorks i have tobecome familiar with the programme hihc is achieved through completeing the tutorials. I have never used SolidWorks before which make it harder for me.

Monday 11 July 2011

Project 1 Precedents & Initial Inspiration

Task One is to find three precedents to inspire my intital design in SolidWorks. As a starting point i began searching stuff that I am interested in/that interests me.  Although instructions didnt specify that the images needed to relat to each other in any way, my images all seem to commonly be quite fluid images that give a sense of movement.
i am a dancer and therefore understand movement quite well. i like the complexity in the skirt and the reasonably straight lines which make this fluid effect. By taking out few lines i could make this a simplified form.

This image of fire also expresses movement. the lines it creates are fluid and almost look random. by focusing on a small section and using the lines as a guide i could create quite a beautiful form.

in this image there are combinations of straight lines and very curved/squiggly lines coming from a point. i like the circular form of this image.