Sunday 2 October 2011

Creating my 3D printed model

It became evident that i suck at solidworks. so i have decided that wihtin time frame and with my huge lack of skill i should stick to simple shapes and use form and arrangment to make complexities within the form (somehting i have taken form my precedent images).

In solid works i decided to start with a simple shape like a circle. In order to give the potential of layers upon layers i created a disc with a hollow center as it could be effective to look through. I feel that it is also utilising the 3D pritner as it is hard without the 3D printer to produce perfect circles.

 This is two views of my final model. As you can see its very basic but I plan to position and duplicate them in 3DS max and position them in a dynamic way.

keeping in ind that im goin got have to remove all the crap from around the final form, therefore it cannot be to elaborate as it wont be able to be a clean finished item. I began by making pattern through repetition and symmetry. However once I got to this point it became clear that i was going to have to modify the form. Any more discs added and it will be extremely fiddly and with disguise the pattern. so i began experimenting with some modifiers.

The first one i looked at was Twist, as alot of my precendents look a bit like htey have been twistted It gives the form a sense of movement and utilises the round shape and form of the model.

I like how in this form when i experimented with the position of the twist i was able to make only on plane of it twist and the rest stay flat which made it quite an abstarct little form.

Then i decided it could be quite effective to spherify it, literally turning it into a ball.

This is quite simple but then i thoughti could put the form insde this form so it was round on the inside bu thad this complex centre.

 I experimented with combining the two forms.
After deciding i didnt like that, and it almost makes my model look tacky. i chose to stick to the first twisting one for my first model. once i shaped it down to the corrct size i begamn to realise that the pieces will be extremely thin.. so i used the shell midfier to make the surfaces thicker.

This is my first final form, which i am very happy with. i think that although shell made these extra ridges and lines it still looks quite effective and almost adds to the design.

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