Wednesday 17 August 2011

Precedent from my 81 iterations

I have used this one as a precedent. i htink i can effectively use layers to creae this cool vertex effect in 3D.

Monday 15 August 2011

Project 2 - Precedents

For project 2 we have one A4 sheet of 1mm card and 1 A4 sheet of 2mm acrylic to create a 3D model with using the lazer cutter. Part of the requirements is that you are not allowed to use any adhesive.

Examples of what can be made using a lazer cutter and effective us eof layers are below:

The way we see the small layers inside each other makes the overall composition of the hands. its gives it a 3d effect as if someone hands ahve been pushe thorugh the wood. this is very effective and a way of making small changes to each layer to give the overall form depth.
This one is made out of just acrylic. it as different points of the human skull cut out then compacted together which if you look closely makes it seeme like the head ahs been squished together.
this is an example of thinkin goutside just slots to connect the peices. in this one the used different shaped and sized slots as well as string.

Friday 12 August 2011

Initial Sketch Models

Initially i decided to concentrate on the way that my precedent 3ds max design twist and shows a sense of movememnt and rotation. Keeping in mind that im shocking at maths and dont have a lot of time to create the illustrator files i decided to keep my design reasonably simple and focus on effective ways of representing this.

This first method is just taking a simple geometric shape like a square and by repositioning the holes i am able to make this rotation giving a sense of curve in which i investigated throughout project 1.

If i was to do somehting like this, i think it will more closely relate to my chosen 3ds model, if i was to rotate 360, obviously using paper to tril this made it hard as it was very thin and flimsy wheres as the acrylic and cardboard will be a lot thicker.

Monday 8 August 2011

81 Iterations

For some strange reason i left this to last, and this was far from easy. Because my 81 iterations had so many polys i had them in small groups in order to speed up the process. After trying to get all the iterations into one file and it proving impossible, i decided the bes toption was to do it on photoshop.

Morning of hand in, i began my incredibly elaborate idea of having all iterations sprialling around my final. This didnt turn out as great as i thought however i still think it clearly shows my final and then when you look carefully its evident the porcess ad steps i went thourhg. i colour coded each stage that i went through form the beginining in 3ds max in order to get a fading in effect (which i hoped would make it more evident that i was trying to spiral the forms. My final composition of my 81 Iterations was as follows.

Although upon first glance it isnt necessarily evdent that its a spiral i think it becomes clearer once you know my intentions. Alternatively my other plan for the iterations was to have a grid with the iterations structured in order of relatability. However i did not have time to do this, which proves i should have been more time concious throughout this assignment.

Final Image and render

For my final image i rendered with a standard material and added the map below. I wanted to use these colours as under the sea there can be very exotic colours like this.
I then changed the translucentcy to give it a more fluid, floating effect. I added in spot lighting in order to extend the spotlight in the environment image onto the form. This made it seem like it was in its natural environment.
This is my final rendered image. It relates directly to my precedent image of the jellyfish and coincides with my three chosen words. Ideally if i had had more time i would have liked to of done more experiemnts to choose my final image from.

Sunday 7 August 2011


Once my final image was selected i began to experiment with rendering..

This one i have added the material as translucent glass and a map of paua shell. i decided to relate my final image to the ocean just like the jelly fish precedent which it reminds me of.

I like this one but feel it is a bit busy. I dont think i will have enough time but idealy i want to reinfroce the spiral and spiral the 80 iterations around this final image.

I like this one because it is simple and again relates to my image. Like my image however i would like to add more lighitng and some nicer colours, maybe even make it more opaque in order to give it that sea creature look.

This was an experiment with using lighting and the water material. (thought water would directy relate).

Ideally i woud of like to have done more tutoirials for rendering. But i was short on time with this project and needed to be more time efficient.

My Final Image

In order to select my final image i grouped together my favourite forms from 3ds max.

From this selection i eliminated the ones that didnt fit my words very well..

Although they all in some way or another represent my words, there was one that particularly resembled my precedent. And this was my final choice..

The one is scribbley in that its inperfect. It spirals and its fluid. Although it may not be the most visually appealing it fits my words perfectly.

Friday 5 August 2011

81 Iterations

Once converted my final in Solid Works to 3ds max I began experimenting with different told and different directions I can take my form.
Using preset tools form the modifier list (such as twist, bend, flew, spherify, melt and mirror) I created my first 30 images. Many of the words listed enabled me to clearly make adjustments that related to my precedent.  I had ordered them in how they branch off from each other and from the initial solid works form.
I then started work from these first 30 and producing groups of 10 from the favourite ones I had created. This allowed me to take different directions and expand on the ones I liked. I also needed to keep in mind the rendering. After setting the render to 2 sided I would constantly press F9 in order to check the quality of the forms. Because the spirals are quite elaborate a lot of black surfaces would form in my iterations. I need to try and avoid too much of this and when picking the ones to work on in my net groups I was sure to pick the ones that came out clearer. I fund that if I did use the ones that had quite a few black surfaces when I further modified them they were nowhere near as sharp. So this limited the ones that I would further expand on.
Iterations 30-40, I liked the idea of rhythmic been shown through repetition or pattern. So using symmetry and mirror I was able to create these rather balanced designs. I also began to experiment further with flex and other tools that alter the forms and weight of the iterations.

40-50 these iterations clearly portray movement with the spiralling effect. I experimented also with lattice as it produces weight and lines that have a rhythmic effect and again that use of repetition.

I found that once I got to 50 iterations the tools in the modifier list had been killed, and although the ones I have been using related well with the words I had chosen I wanted to have more control over the iterations. So I used a technique which allowed me to pick surfaces I wanted to delete or add to/modify by converting the existing iterations to ploys and changing them from there.
 I like the use of spirals and flow within a structure. Like the jelly fish that has the bowl like form that random and imperfect spiral forms extrude from. I selected many of the curves that looked structured through reflection or repetition, or by its form (like spirals from a point).
 I want to simplify some of the iterations I had created that were looking to be a bit much and an over kill of my words.
Iterations 50-60

In these iterations I managed to control and eliminate aspects of my iterations that looked nintentional and began to create more intentional designs. I felt although I had made some potential final designs already these were looking sharper and more effectively simple. Although both my precedents could be described as being complicated or busy, I think the simpler versions of my iterations are sometimes more effective. For the last 20 iterations I plan to work on my favourite iterations created so far and try and enhance them. So far I have often created groups of iterations that suit one word but from now on I want to focus on trying to make changes in order to make them suit all three words keeping in mind the conclusions I have made form previous experimentation.

60-70 for these 10 iterations I continued to expand on what I had already done and relate them to all my words. Form these images I have decided that I like the less symmetrical images better and find that the imperfection of the lines relates well to the image of the jelly fish and its tentacles and the fire. For the last 11 I will focus on the favourite of all the images which at this stage seems to be the less symmetrical and balanced iterations.  I think the imbalance of the curves is more beautiful.

Final 11 Iterations were just small changes, i began to run out of inspiration, so just made small changes that i would want to make to previous ones to see h0w they looked.