Sunday 7 August 2011


Once my final image was selected i began to experiment with rendering..

This one i have added the material as translucent glass and a map of paua shell. i decided to relate my final image to the ocean just like the jelly fish precedent which it reminds me of.

I like this one but feel it is a bit busy. I dont think i will have enough time but idealy i want to reinfroce the spiral and spiral the 80 iterations around this final image.

I like this one because it is simple and again relates to my image. Like my image however i would like to add more lighitng and some nicer colours, maybe even make it more opaque in order to give it that sea creature look.

This was an experiment with using lighting and the water material. (thought water would directy relate).

Ideally i woud of like to have done more tutoirials for rendering. But i was short on time with this project and needed to be more time efficient.

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