Sunday 25 September 2011


From my precedent images i have created some sketches. The common theme in the round precedents is that the have repetition and just use their positioning to create complexities.

Friday 23 September 2011

Precedent Images For Project 3

It was heavily emphasised in the brief that we need to utilise the 3D printer. So I want to create somehting that cant be created in the workshop or with the laser cutter. This automaticaly made me think of curves which are hard to perfect in the workshop, then the creation of round intertwining lines is something that cant be made on the laser cutter in an intricate way.

I plan to expand from my last assignments where the common theeme was the sense of movement and rotation within the forms. The first assignment i digitally created forms that represented my words, fluid, spiral and movement and in the second assignment using 2d planes i achieved this by my choice of shapes and by carefully choosing ambient space in order to give that sense of "twist" and rotation.

This one has many planes that are connected at different points. this gives it a sense of twist and moveement which is quite effective.

This one is simple shapes and forms that have been carefully positioned in order to interlock them.. somehting that could be achieved with 3D printing and that could come across quite effectively.

this one is the same sort of shapes that have all been connected and intertwined. This is quite a complex design but has created a cool little form.

Whilst looking at 3D precedents i came across some quite cool 3D printed rings. These were a few of my favourite pieces that could be considered when i start making my designs.

This one has a whole pile of straight lines making up different components of the ring, which could be effective and also quite simple to make. Simple is key as i am not too good at solidworks.

Key in this assignment is to realise that i dont have a lot of time before the STL file is due in, and also that I'm not exactly a pro at the programmes.

Monday 19 September 2011

Opitonal Comparisson

I decided to give the comparisson a go.

Ideally i would have left more time to complete this so that i could change the lighting or somehting.I tried to use the comparrison as a chance to showtwo different sides of the model and materials but also the realtionship between my final render and my final form. In the right image it shows the subtlety of the acrylic in contrast with the strength in the cardboard, where as the render's main focus is the plastic nature of the acrylic.

Final Render

For my Final render i used glass, and ultered with the transparecny and translucency. I then added an omni light and chose to go with the hite background to give a clean finish and a plastic/acrylic effect.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Final Image Of Model

This is the final image i selected for my model. i chose it because it shows a clear realtion to my digital model and shows the contrast between the materials effectively.

I decided to base my render on this image. I decided it would be good to experiment with glass or plastic materials on my digital render to relate to my physical model. In the last project i went suite overboard with my backgrounds, so this time i iwll make sure to keep it extremely plain (black or white).

My Final Form

I chose to use the cardboard star in the middle of the acrylic as a contrast and clear centre point. I used aluminium tubing as rods and then used metal eyelets to seal the tubing and create neat studs at each end. I found my form reasonably hard to photograph, howvere of my final photographs these were my favourite few.

I lik this one for its subtlety and the way it highlights the cardboard rather than the acrylic.

I like the way the different angles of the images captured the lines mirrored pieces in a different allignment helping to give it that sense of movement.

This image unlike the others which made the form look quite smplistic, makes the form look more complex with the clear lines and layering of pieces. This image also highlihgts the depth of the form.

I like this image because it make shows the form as being quite flat and almost 2D, where it is actually quite deep and complex with its many layers in person.

I like the subtlety of the acrylic and its opactiy in contrast with the cardboard and tried to hihglihgt that in my photos.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Starting to assemble my final form

I have recieved my lazer cutted pieces and was really happy with the results. The cardboard looked rather burnt so will need to be painted, but i have decided that i wont use all the cardboard pieces anyway, so ideally i can use these pieces to experiment with how i will connect the pieces and to create another sketch model.

I have chosen to use only acrylic but possible one piece int he center, cardboard in order to have an effective contrast.

I Originally though i would use beads or small plastic pieces in between each layers to make it more dimensional.

Obviously for my final model i would seal the ends far better, but i have decided that this looks messy anyway and that  think i will try threadin the acrylic without beads in between to seperate them.

overall i am happy with the pieces however have decided to now experiment with the order of placement of the pieces, which will have to be done with the acrylic pieces as it wil look completely different when done in acrylic.

Monday 5 September 2011

Final Template for Acrylic and Cardboard

Form my sketch models, i decided that layers of shapes ppointing in one direction (to give a sense of movement) will look the most effective and be the easiest to create. This also relates the closest to my final sketch model. Originally i though i would thread the pieces but i think that becasue not every piece has the four holes of support that thick wire or rod will be more suitable.

The easiest way for me to decided on size and diameters in proportion to all the pieces was to create my final skecth model on illustrator, then print it out and double check.

i did this by overlapping the pieces then copying the form and deleting irrelevant pieces in order to be left with each piece with the holes in the correct places.

In order to make them more evident on the blog i altered the point to thicker, however the specifications is to have the points at 0.01.
I have created a sense of movement and rotation thoruhg the use of lines towrds one direction. i think this will be effective.

I dont know whether i will use acrylic or cardboard. im most likely to use acryulic but like the idea of using a combination of the two. because we dont have to use every peice i have decided to use the same template for both materials and then when i have the pieces decided how i want it to be. I have two pieces of each shape on each material as i would like it to be reasonably thick and be reflected onboth sides.. symmetrical.

This is the final image of the template for the laser cutter. because my peices are being threaded together with wire i didnt need to worry too much about the relationship of the pieces other than the holes being in the correct places. but this wasnt too hard.