Sunday 18 September 2011

My Final Form

I chose to use the cardboard star in the middle of the acrylic as a contrast and clear centre point. I used aluminium tubing as rods and then used metal eyelets to seal the tubing and create neat studs at each end. I found my form reasonably hard to photograph, howvere of my final photographs these were my favourite few.

I lik this one for its subtlety and the way it highlights the cardboard rather than the acrylic.

I like the way the different angles of the images captured the lines mirrored pieces in a different allignment helping to give it that sense of movement.

This image unlike the others which made the form look quite smplistic, makes the form look more complex with the clear lines and layering of pieces. This image also highlihgts the depth of the form.

I like this image because it make shows the form as being quite flat and almost 2D, where it is actually quite deep and complex with its many layers in person.

I like the subtlety of the acrylic and its opactiy in contrast with the cardboard and tried to hihglihgt that in my photos.

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