Friday 23 September 2011

Precedent Images For Project 3

It was heavily emphasised in the brief that we need to utilise the 3D printer. So I want to create somehting that cant be created in the workshop or with the laser cutter. This automaticaly made me think of curves which are hard to perfect in the workshop, then the creation of round intertwining lines is something that cant be made on the laser cutter in an intricate way.

I plan to expand from my last assignments where the common theeme was the sense of movement and rotation within the forms. The first assignment i digitally created forms that represented my words, fluid, spiral and movement and in the second assignment using 2d planes i achieved this by my choice of shapes and by carefully choosing ambient space in order to give that sense of "twist" and rotation.

This one has many planes that are connected at different points. this gives it a sense of twist and moveement which is quite effective.

This one is simple shapes and forms that have been carefully positioned in order to interlock them.. somehting that could be achieved with 3D printing and that could come across quite effectively.

this one is the same sort of shapes that have all been connected and intertwined. This is quite a complex design but has created a cool little form.

Whilst looking at 3D precedents i came across some quite cool 3D printed rings. These were a few of my favourite pieces that could be considered when i start making my designs.

This one has a whole pile of straight lines making up different components of the ring, which could be effective and also quite simple to make. Simple is key as i am not too good at solidworks.

Key in this assignment is to realise that i dont have a lot of time before the STL file is due in, and also that I'm not exactly a pro at the programmes.

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